

橙色箭头 学术和英语支持
橙色箭头 医疗保健和保险信息
橙色箭头 驾照
橙色箭头 社会保障卡
橙色箭头 为你的到来做好准备
橙色箭头 职业服务,工作,OPT和实习
橙色箭头 雪学院之后转学




Academic English skills are an essential part of success in college, and if y我们的 native language is not English, you will need to demonstrate y我们的 language proficiency.

When you apply to 雪的大学 for direct entry into mainstream college classes, we 需要下列英语语言分班考试成绩之一:

  • 雅思- 6.0
  • 托福- 63分(每节至少15分)
  • Duolingo - 100(每节最低85)

If y我们的 academic English skills need improvement, 雪的大学 has an excellent 英语作为第二语言课程(ESL) 帮助你成功.

Created in 1976, 雪的大学 has one of the best English language programs in the 美国西部. 小班授课(平均12名学生),方便快捷 campus, and excellent teachers, 雪的大学 offers some real advantages over larger 学校.


  • 学生每周上课5天,每天4-5小时.
  • When you arrive on campus, you will 取一个n English test to help determine y我们的 level.
  • 雪的大学 ESL classes are divided into 4 levels, with each one helping you improve 你在语法、听力、阅读、写作和口语方面的技能.
  • Most st乌兰nts take 8 weeks to pass each of the 4 levels, so you could finish all 4 只需两个学期就能达到水平.
  • 第3级和第4级的课程计算为11.5学分毕业.
  • You will have a seamless transition into mainstream college classes after completing ESL课程,通过率85%.


有! We also run a regular schedule of Conversation Classes, which help you practice 在更轻松、自然的环境中与母语人士进行英语交流. 没有固定的课程 或者是家庭作业——只要出现并交谈就行了! 这是认识新朋友的好方法,继续努力 你的口语技能或口音,提高你的听力技能.

If you’re interested in receiving extra academic or linguistic support, get in touch 和我们一起,我们很乐意解释更多的选择.


PG电子官方免费下载,我们有很多方式来支持你的学术之旅. 例如, 我们的 学术咨询中心 has a wealth of online res我们的ces and it's easy to make an appointment with them any time. In addition, 我们的 Math Lab and Writing Lab give you daily access to professors 和学生导师,我们甚至通过Tutor提供免费的在线辅导.com的 按需提供,一天24小时. 了解更多关于我们的辅导服务.


“People are very welcoming here, and the professors are willing to help at any time,” says Durli Ahojayeva of Turkmenistan, who is in her fifth year at Snow and is studying 软件工程.



LewerMark标志The cost of medical services 在美国 can be quite expensive, especially 在处理重大问题或紧急情况时. 因此,所有国际学生 attending 雪的大学 are required to purchase a health insurance policy through LewerMark,我们现在的健康保险合作伙伴. 如果你是交换生,政府资助 学生或美国护照持有人,我们可以免除此要求.

The coverage offered through the 雪的大学 LewerMark policy is better than most U.S. 公民有自己的政策. 例如,该保单提供50万美元 每次疾病或事故的美元保险. 它也有撤离和遣返的好处.

雪的大学 will assist st乌兰nts in knowing how to go about purchasing a policy. You will automatically be registered for insurance once you register for classes.

有关我们提供的政策的更多细节,请参阅 LewerMark.com

U.S. 医疗保健和紧急程序

You may not be familiar with healthcare or emergency procedures 在美国. Below are some essential guidelines that can help you feel more prepared and confident in handling medical emergencies and making the best decisions for y我们的 health.


If you need a prescription, it can be sent to (and collected from) the Ephraim Walmart 药店. PG电子官方免费下载每周为所有学生提供免费的沃尔玛巴士.


It's a good idea to familiarize y我们的self with the nearest hospital or urgent care 以防出现危及生命的医疗问题. 此外,确保你 有医疗保险来支付医疗费用吗. 

我们没有校内诊所,但我们有附近的选择. 请 tell 我们的 office in advance about clinic/hospital appointments so we can arrange the time to take you to one of the following: Ephraim Clinic (No COPAY), Sanpete Valley Hospital (ER) ($100 COPAY), Manti Family Clinic ($ 20元钱), and Mount Pleasant clinic ($ 20元钱).


在医疗紧急情况下 行动迅速至关重要. Don't hesitate to seek help immediately to ensure the safety and well-being of y我们的self 还有你身边的人.

In the United States, 911 is the emergency tele电话 number you dial to request assistance 从警察,消防部门,或救护车. 它是免费的,任何人都可以访问 电话.

请先拨打911,如果 you or someone around you experiences any of these symptoms or any other serious 健康问题:

  • Severe injuries: This could be from accidents, falls, or any situation where there's 对身体有重大危害.
  • Heart attack or stroke: These are serious medical conditions that require immediate 治疗以防止进一步的损害.
  • Severe allergic reactions: Some people can have severe allergic reactions to things like food, insect stings, or medications, which can be life-threatening if not treated 很快.
  • Severe breathing difficulties: This could be due to asthma attacks, choking, or other 呼吸系统疾病导致呼吸困难. 

Remember, when you call 911, stay as calm as possible and clearly explain the situation. Give y我们的 location, describe what happened, and follow any instructions the dispatcher 给你. 除非绝对必要,否则不要移动病人:移动 受伤或痛苦的人会使他们的情况更糟. 等待紧急情况 医务人员到达,让他们处理情况. 


在大多数情况下,救护车费用100%由Lewermark保险承担. 如果你是 not covered by Lewermark insurance, please go over y我们的 specific policy to see what 服务在网络内或网络外.



纪念碑谷道对于国际学生来说,获得犹他州驾照是可能的. 如果你有 a license in y我们的 home country, you will need to 取一个 written test and a practical 参加驾驶考试并缴付费用. 如果你在你的国家没有驾照,你会的 need to 取一个 driving license c我们的se before you can take the written and driving 测试. T帮助人们通过犹他州的许可证测试,你也可以 取一个 免费许可证实践测验 由犹他州机动车管理局(DMV)设计.

有关更多信息,请参见 http://dld.utah.gov/. 申请license需要预约. 点击这里 安排你的预约. 你也可以填写你的 在此网上申请.


  • 有效的 外国司机的 其他国家的驾照(如果你有的话)
  • Certificate of completion of a Utah driver education c我们的se (if you do not have a 目前持有外国驾照)
  • 有效护照及签证
  • I-94表格可以打印 I-94网站上的信息)
  • 社会安全号码 (SSN) or Form SSA-L676: “Refusal to Process SSN Application”. 这需要你申请一个 社会安全号码.
  • 犹他州居住证明(以下两项)
    • 银行对账单
    • 法庭文件
    • 租赁合同
    • 主要信用卡账单
    • 学校成绩单
    • 水电费帐单(不接受手机帐单)



社会保障卡Social Security numbers are generally assigned to people who are authorized to work 在美国. 社会安全号码是用来报告你的收入和 支付给政府的工资. 更多详情可在此找到: http://www.ssa.gov/酒吧/ en - 05 - 10181.pdf.



如果你有 a job offer (on-campus or off-campus), you will need to apply in person 在最近的社会保障办公室,位于犹他州普罗沃. 请配合 全球参与中心 to find out when the next Social Security trip will take 的地方. 你需要收集以下文件:

  • 护照
  • I-20: **请 make sure y我们的 personal information on y我们的 passport is the SAME as I-20上的信息.
  • I-94:打印这个 http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ I94 / # / home
  • 雇主信,抬头,由老板签名
  • 来自全球参与中心的信
  • 出生证明复印件
  • Application (from the 全球参与中心 and Social Security office)



If you need a “社会安全号码 Denial” letter in order to apply for a Utah driver license, please bring the following items to the 全球参与中心 申请帮助:

  • 护照
  • I-20: **请 make sure y我们的 personal information on y我们的 passport is the  SAME as I-20上的信息.
  • I-94:打印此表格: http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ I94 / # / home
  • 来自全球参与中心办公室的信
  • 申请表(由社会福利办公室或社会保障办公室提交).

欲了解更多信息,请联系Nobue Swenson: 乌兰.wons@nosnews.eubon



International st乌兰nts going to school 在美国 should file an IRS form(s) 即使你不需要纳税(你仍然需要提交表格). 表格及税务 报税表通常必须在每年4月15日之前提交. 雪的大学 cannot provide you specific tax advice, so you should carefully consider 根据自己的情况决定要提交什么税表. 请参阅我们的常见问题解答了解更多有关 作为国际学生或学者报税.